We are SO excited to adopt! Adoption is a huge part of our lives! Both our moms are adopted and Kashia's little brother is also adopted. We knew we always wanted to adopt, it just happened to be a lot sooner then we thought!
We had pulled our paper work out about a year ago in 2015 and just felt like it wasn't the time to open them up to a birth mother. So we put them aside and prayed and waited for the right time. It definitely wasn't easy as we wanted a baby fast and felt ready. But we know the Lord knew better and had something special in store for us.
We were placed with the biggest blessing in August 2016. Lemmon Tasia Palmer. Her sweet birth mom did not make her decision lightly and knew her baby was meant to be part of our family. Boy, was she right! You can read more about Lemmon's adoption HERE.
We chose an incredible agency to work with and love sharing about them! We absolutely love answering questions about our adoption process and how we got there and all the crazy things that come along with it. Please don't hesitate to ask us anything whether you are just curious or you are going through the adoption process as well!